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Common Themes

Some Chose to Not Break Down Media into Specific Genres

Some examples include Evan breaking down Apple Music into specific artists & Vinyl into specific artists but not putting those artists into specific music genre categories. Another example is Yixin Chen placing The Legend of Zelda and Animal crossing under the Switch but not putting those games into specific game categories.


Aesthetic Tree Like Displays

Common Challenge of Lack of Internet Stability

When speaking about challenges, many people mentioned lack of internet stability which affected their media consumption.



I would revise my media categorization by making more higher level categories such as moving images and still images. When I made my media categorization, I started with lower level categories like tv shows, social media, etc. I would also brainstorm how to make an aesthetic tree structure to lay out my media categorization. I would also add issues about internet connectivity, privacy, and more since those are things I struggle with as well. I think that overall my hierarchy of media covers the majority of my media consumption.

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